If You’re Not the Fightin’ Kind, You’d Better Learn Fast…

Last Friday I wrote a special blog all about this proposed FDA situation, and the more I’ve thought about it the more frightening it has become. This is no joke, guys, if the Federal Food & Drug Administration becomes responsible for overseeing cigars, it could seriously be the death of our beloved industry, one that has served the American public for over 150 years.

Picture 9I went online and found a web document written by the FDA entitled: Proposals for Comprehensive Tobacco Legislation. In the conclusion at the bottom of this very long document, the very first sentence says, and I quote: “In closing, FDA and the Administration strongly support comprehensive tobacco legislation to significantly reduce young people’s tobacco use…” Now so much of what we hear from the anti-smoking zealots is that they want to keep tobacco away from children, protecting our youth from the vicious evils of smoking. And the one thing that I have said over and over ‘til my face turns a disgusting shade of purple, is that “KIDS DO NOT SMOKE PREMIUM AGED HAND ROLLED CIGARS!” When was the last time a bunch of eighth grade boys were caught in the middle school lavatory firing up Cohiba XV’s, Montecristo Classics, and Macanudo Maduro Vintage 1997? We all damned well know the answer – NEVER!

I personally feel that one of the cigar industry’s biggest problems was not clearly separating itself years ago from other forms of tobacco, especially the types kids want to get their hands on, ie; cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, etc. The horrible mistake here is that the FDA and all the hating government goons think that tobacco, is tobacco, is tobacco, and as we cigar smokers know, THAT is just plain wrong. If you take a look at alcoholic drinks, beer, wine, and whiskey couldn’t be more worlds apart in the beverage department, yet they are indeed all alcoholic. But beer, wine, and whiskey are all made differently, with different ranges of proof, and in no way can they be judged on the same basis as one another as they are all very different. Well, the same goes for cigars, dammit. Fine cigars are a hand made product, all natural without added chemicals and preservatives, and during the aging process, nicotine is actually sweat and dissipated from the leaves. Cigars are a pastime, a ritual, a rite of passage… NOT a habit.

Cigar-smokingPremium cigars are an adult product, one that in NO WAY children can afford, or can really enjoy for that matter. This statement is blatantly obvious, right? Of course it is, so WHY don’t people in the government see it that way? Because as I said, in their blinder-covered eyes, tobacco, is tobacco, is tobacco, it is vile and evil and all forms must be removed from the face of the earth. That’s why these state legislators don’t care when raising the tobacco tax to a whopping 75% like in New York State. One has to think, “Hey, if you raise the taxes that high, then no one will ever buy cigars in that state again.” And while that line of thinking is correct, it is my own opinion that the legislators DO NOT want to save cigars shops from going under because the goal is to eradicate all forms of tobacco forever. The agenda is clear to me, and THAT is why we cigar lovers have such a brutal fight on our hands for a long time to come.

Hey guys… we have got to continue to fight the good fight because if they win… wow, do we ever lose. So, if you haven’t done it yet, click the link below and let your congressman know exactly how you feel about the FDA getting their greasy governmental mitts on our premium hand rolled cigars.

CLICK HERE > Let your congressman know that we DON’T want the FDA messing with our CIGARS!

And until next week, stay smoky my friends,


JR Cigars Blog with the Zman


Get 10 smokes from Nicaragua’s best selling brands for only $19.95!


What do Frank Llaneza 1961, Gurkha Colorado, Juan Lopez, Siglo, and Troya Clasico all have in common? They’re some of the best-selling, Cuban-style smokes out of Nicaragua. This great assortment of 10 cigars includes 2 Toros from each of these must-try, extremely flavorful, full-bodied brands. Here’s your chance to sample ‘em all at once… and for less than $20 bucks. You’d be crazy to pass this deal by!


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